Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Resolution

Before I explain the title of this post, I want to give a little thanks.  It's been a very trying year.  My daughter has glaucoma and the pressure in her one good eye got way too high.  Surgery and a month of blindness thankfully put an end to the high pressure.  I'm very thankful we had some great doctors who thanks to them, my daughter Mackenzie is pretty much back to her normal self.

I'm thankful to have a wonderful wife without whom I don't know if I would have made it through this year with my sanity (those that know me personally may argue that I didn't, nor ever possessed any!).  Finally I want to thank all my photographer friends, some of whom you see in the photo above braving the unseasonable cold during my Delaware, Ohio Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk.  Thanks to all the photographers who read my StrobeOhio Daily papers and whom I interact with on Twitter and Google +.  I haven't gotten behind the lens as much as I would have liked this year, but thankfully these communities have filled in and helped expand my knowledge so that now my daughters health allows for it, I can get back to shooting.

Which leads me to the title of this post.  You can mix metaphors, why can't you mix holiday traditions.  I don't feel like waiting for New Years, so I'm going to make a Thanksgiving Resolution.  I'd like to see if anyone would like to join me in making it.  I'm going to call it #Strobe52.  Starting next month, my resolution is to post 52 images over the next year using at least one strobe light, small or studio, complete with lighting diagram and test shots leading up to the final image.  I hope to post them weekly, but as long as I post 52 in the year from December 2011 through end of November 2012 I'll consider it a success.  Life happens, so I'm allowing for it!  If all goes well, maybe next year I'll get a little more strict with myself.

For my lighting diagrams, I will be using  Great place to go for inspiration, and they have the tools for you to make great lighting diagrams.  They also have a great IOS app, but I don't see anything about Android.  If the Android users out there know of a great Android Light Diagram App, please comment and I'll help spread the word.

Come join me in exploring lighting this coming year, and help me spread the word about #Strobe52.  Please look me up on Google +, I'm +Dennis Oder, follow me on Twitter as @StrobeOhio and I'm on Strobox as StrobeOhio.  I'll post the images here and on   Hashtag your images and lighting diagrams on Google + and Twitter with #Strobe52.

Thanks for reading, I hope everyone celebrating Thanksgiving today has a happy and healthy one.  For those outside the U.S. I hope you can join me virtually in this, my Thanksgiving Resolution.


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